Friday, February 13, 2009

This past week.

I have completed a few things and been overly-all happy with myself!

Easter Production. I'm the woman at the well, apparently. I've officially committed. As in, signed-my-life-away committed. Insane.
Drama. It's a tough task. The person I'm partnered with and I have some History (that we're gonna have to work though, but it'll be good to sort it out). So much History in fact it gets a capital letter. Amazing.
English. I've almost finished the set reading. I actually kinda like the book to tell the truth, but I don't want to let on because it is so unbelievably lame. Sad, right?
Youth. I sang up on stage tonight! The fumbles I made were hardly noticeable this time. Jesus is good. (:
Work. I didn't. Yay!
Perspectives. Was an amazing experience. It really set the bench mark for TEE. At least now I know what to aim for. Tough stuff.
Sunburn. You should have SEEN it! Tomato.

That's all really. Besides study, I mean. I'm getting into routine though, which is better for me I think. It's harder to go off track with routine. I thank God for that! (:

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